Monday, September 1, 2008

So how important is water to our life anyway?

David is upstairs working on the never-ending bathroom project as I type this, and the water is turned off for the job....again. The question of how important water is becomes very apparent every time this whole house re-plumb combined with a bathroom reno gets going. I can't tell you how many times in the last hour I've walked to one of the faucets to try to get some water and gone...."crap, I forgot again". There was the attempt to re-fill the coffee pot (thank goodness that the water bottles I had frozen for Faye were now thawed in the fridge! I have to have my daily requirement of cuppa's fulfilled or I become a crazy lady), then there was the daily trip outside to water down our doggie's business (that will have to wait...darn it! Can you feel my disappointment?). Oh, and the attempt to wipe down the kitchen counters after H made his lunch.....and the aborted downstairs bathroom cleanup.

On the positive side, I can sit here and type without guilt that the number of things on my to-do list are waiting for me to do them. Because without water, I just can't, can I?

And, without the water that is necessary for so many of the chores I need to do, I can rest a bit today and get ready for the next step in the bathroom reno that should start tomorrow or Wednesday....the sanding of the floor and beaded board to prep for painting. Because once this plumbing part of the job is finished, it is my turn to get in there and work.

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