Monday, December 29, 2008

Moments of Brilliance....

Brilliant.....a word that brings to mind great intelligence or fabulous experiences.....I remember as a teenager spending time in England with my cousins hearing that word a lot in the second context......and I've experienced that need to breath that word under my breath a lot the last few weeks.

We had a brilliant Christmas. It was, in my mind, one of the best. Just a small gathering but a surprise visit from my brother and his girls was the brilliance to what was already a fantastic day. You see, each year that I still have my two older kids home for the day....each year that I get one more Christmas where they revert to my "little" ones for a few hours is a blessing....because I'm aware we're in the transition stage of our lives....but I got a house full of my "little" ones this year....and it was brilliant!

Speaking of visit with my brother and his girls set me to searching out some of his videos for my Facebook page....and I found this one...its one of my favorites of my brothers original pieces in the first place, but someone had a moment of brilliance and put the song to a movie.....I thought I'd share it with's hoping that each of you have experienced your own moment of brilliance in this holiday season.............enjoy!

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