Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Last evening as I sat in my office updating the blog about little Olivia's birth, the phone rang.....it was Nikki saying she was on the way with the first of her things.....I glanced up and out the window and over the fields....and then I interupted her to say "oh my gosh, look at that rainbow..."! Now, I've seen rainbows a-plenty in my life, but there was honestly something special about this one.

Its been a wild two weeks.......with my Dad's open heart surgery, Olivia's birth, Nikki moving back into the house, and tomorrow a quick trip up to Georgia to see Dallas' Senior Recital....its been a month filled with a lot of anticipation mixed with anxiety and I needed just that moment of pure beauty to remember that God is always there waiting for me to just take a minute and remember that He is ......right there.... waiting for me to acknowlege that I am in need of His help to handle it all; His help to be all that I need to be for everyone in my life, including myself.
The rainbow appeared to begin at one side of the potato fields and end at the other.....I shot from one side of our yard and then the other....

the rain began to come down and I headed back inside...but just as I opened the screen door, David called to me "come back, there's two of them"....I quickly turned around and went to where he and Hunter stood pointing at the second rainbow which had appeared very near the first.....

and then we looked across the field to notice that the rainbows seemed to meet on the other side, just over the "John Travolta House"...........I raced to the other side to snap a photo of that sight.....

The second rainbow lasted only a few seconds; in the time it took to cross the yard and snap this photo, it was already fading away.....but you can see it if you look closely enough.....(that red thing? That's the potato harvester!)

I'm grateful for those few moments of one of God's most beautiful manifestations......I needed it exactly when it appeared.....~now, what do I need to do to get ready for the trip to Georgia tomorrow?.....

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