Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ava in the garden!

A day or so after Christmas last year, David mentioned how glad he was that our niece Ava will have memories of holidays at an old farmhouse. And it made me think.....I have wonderful memories of our farmhouse in South Bend Indiana....and the Zimmer's even bigger farmhouse across the street.

We rented our farmhouse from the Zimmers and our families became so close that Kevin and I knew them as Grandma and Grandpa Zimmer. We both spent hours with Grandma and Grandpa, Kevin on the tractor and me in the kitchen, or the egg house, or in the basement preparing the eggs for the market.

When David said that about Ava, I was glad too.....glad that she'd have memories similar to mine. And, this past Sunday, Ava and I got to spend a little time in the garden while her mom, my sister Amy took photos.......this is what I call a good day and what I hope is a good memory for my Sweet Ava.

She's just a little nervous because the garden is so far from the house...

She's getting into it now.......

She's realized there are some big yellow things behind her....

Holding one of those big yellow things....

This is the money it!

Now, to get the chickens..............

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