Friday, April 17, 2009

Don't fence me in~~re-thunk....

We left 6 foot privacy fences behind when we left behind sub-division living....and we didn't think we'd put up any fences here except maybe to house pigs and chickens. But then King the Valiant became a tri-pod...after a run in with a tractor. Our black labs were boundary trained, they didn't leave the yard....but King, a greyhound mix, quickly showed us that he'd inherited the "chase" gene....Even after months of re-hab where we tried to save his leg; even after losing his leg and becoming a tri-pod, the young lad couldn't resist the chase....and we realized that it wasn't safe for him or for the yellow lab puppy who couldn't resist chasing him as he chased a stork, a tractor, or a squirrel...or whatever the choice of the moment was, so we began to plan a 4 ft fence.

King the Valiant - our tripod~~

Putting the final touches on the back yard fence

Last year was phase one; we enclosed the back portion of the yard. We quickly realized that it wasn't enough land for the dogs to roam and for the people to have any kind of ground covering~ and we almost immediately added phase two to the plan..and this year we're right in the middle of the execution of it all while at the same time, we're building that chicken coop that was part of the original plan.

Fence posts up and one jasmine transplanted...3 more sides
to go and one more jasmine....and a bunch of bulbs...and a bunch of fern....

One of the benefits of fencing in the yard is the definition it gives to the flower gardens; I picture an English country garden when all the fencing and transplanting is finally complete. Over the last two days, we've painted who knows how many fence posts white and run the wire between the posts on one side of the yard; transplanted a Confederate Jasmine away from the vegetable gardens and along the new fence line, separated and re-set about 100 bulbs (gave some away and still have hundreds more to go), and transplanted ferns to fill the ditches on the outside of the fences (to eliminate so much weed whacking).

Within a week or two, the fence will be completed to safely corral the dogs and the chicken coop will be finished to safely house the chicks.....and speaking of those chicks...aren't they just the cutest things?

Two weeks and a couple of days old

Still fuzzy at that age and tiny.....

Getting their feathers now and beginning to look like individuals...

We'll soon begin to think of names for them as they show their personalities
as well as distinguishing markings....

So darned cute~~but then so is this....

and this....

how about this....

or this...

unbridled joy

and a game of chase....

okay, I'll stop with the photos now.....

But as you can see, there were a number of reasons why we re-thunk that fencing issue~~

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