Sunday, March 8, 2009

Didn't we just "fall back"?

How can it be time to "spring forward" already? Christmas was just the other day! And despite the fact that this felt like one of the longest, coldest, wettest, greyest winters I've experienced since I moved to Florida in my late teens, I am shocked that we are already putting those clocks forward.

Don't get me wrong; I'm reveling in the warmth that I feel today and in the sunshine that pours across the now green potato fields....but I'm a bit grumpy cuz I lost that precious hour of sleep last night. And I know my husband is feeling the pain of it....his day starts at 3:30 a.m. and goes on for a 12 hour shift. He'll stumble in tonite, barely eat his dinner and then fall into bed around 8 p.m. - only to do it again tomorrow and then again on Tuesday. It'll take him a week to adjust to this time change.

He'll gradually feel better; tonite he'll realize that he's driving home in daylight after months of not seeing the sun 3-4 days a week. Tomorrow night, he'll feel a bit more adjusted and he'll probably grin just a bit cuz hey, that's sun and not moon he's looking at. By Tuesday night, he'll head on out to the front porch for a bit before heading up to bed.....Wednesday, he's off for the day and he'll love the longer hours of sunshine as we tend our gardens and prepare for the hard work of our projects that are to come......and a few days after that, we'll all be back to normal.

But, today....we're just a bit grumpy over that lost hour of sleep.

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