Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Exploring New Worlds~~

Yesterday morning, the new coop area reached the point where the chicks could safely roam while we continued to work on the exterior of the penned area. It was the perfect time to introduce them to the big wonderful world of outdoors because we were there to watch and protect.

It took a few minutes to get them to leave the crates (Captain Feather Eater was still in his own crate) but eventually, one got brave enough to venture out and the others soon followed.

Callie was as usual completely fascinated by the creatures. She spent most of the first hour staring through the bars.....

watching them as they huddled in one corner of what must have been to them a huge and frightening amount of space.

The black lads took turns staring through the fence with Callie, whining and wondering just why it was that we would not let them in to play.....

Then, it was Easter's turn to go outside...this was the first time he has ever actually been on the ground....

the past five years of his life have been spent either in the outdoor hutch (now converted into the chicken house).....

But just a little lower to the ground.....

Easter spent the next several hours learning about his new environment....

While we continued to work on the project....

It was a good David and I drove in to pick H up from school and make a run to the Depot for some more hardware cloth, we wondered why it took us so long to get to this part of the dream.....and decided it might have been the electrical, plumbing, laundry room, bathrooms or any other of the other seemingly unending projects that living in a 100 year old farmhouse's nice to know that we've reached the point where we can concentrate of the farm part of this old house....a good day!

There's still a lot more work to do so the chicks and the bunny will only be outside during the day for now...we have some additional application of the hardware cloth that needs doing (we found squirrels in there this moring) and some decorating....floor covering (aka wood shavings), some furniture (roosts), bedrooms (nesting boxes) and wall painting.....and then there are the photos and flowers and such.....

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